"Slide Rule in a museum. Jam Comics in a museuem. “Book-It” doing Crumb comics as live theater. In a museum. It should be fun." - DL
ZAPPED! Zine and Comic Laboratory
Greg Stump, David Lasky and Jessica Gomes
Frye Art Studio7-10pm
Presented with Richard Hugo House, three of Seattle’s finest zine and comics artists share their DIY secrets in the Frye studio. Highlighting the zine’s history, selections from ZAPP (Hugo House’s Zine Archive and Publishing Project) are on view. Stump, Lasky, and Gomes orchestrate a “jam” with you (yes, you) on a collaborative zine which will be published and distributed before the evening ends.
Slide Rule Comic Strip Slideshow
Davey Oil, Stefan Gruber, Tyler Gillies and Todbott
Frye AuditoriumTwo performances: 8pm and 9pm
Seattle’s own Slide Rule Comic Strip Slideshow Players mix up a multimedia salad of digital video and hand drawn cartoons, live music and electronic sound, animation and live performance to serve up unique theatrical experiences. For Bootlegging Slide Rule performs all original comics confronting R Crumb’s themes of enlightenment, disappointment, confession and outrage. With funny voices!

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